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LFTRs (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors) by Dr. Charles Alexander,

August 20, 2020 @ 8:30 pm - 11:00 pm EDT

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Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTRs) are the key to a virtually unlimited source of
energy and economic security for the future of the world! Having almost none of the negatives
of conventional nuclear energy and a large enough source of easily recoverable reserves as to
be considered a truly “green” energy. In addition, since it has already successfully been
demonstrated in an operational nuclear reactor, we are working with an already proven
technology. The time has come for us to move ahead aggressively develop this technology!

Speaker’s Bio
Charles K. Alexander Is an internationally recognized researcher,
author, educator, and professional. Professor Emeritus of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science in the Washkewicz College of
Engineering at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio. He
was Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at
Cleveland State University from 2002 until 2018. He was the
director of The Center for Research in Electronics and Aerospace
Technology (CREATE) from 2004 until 20018. From 2002 until
2006 he was Dean of the Fenn College of Engineering. He has held
the position of dean of engineering at Cleveland State University,
California State University, Northridge, and Temple University
(acting dean for six years). He has held the position of department
chair at Temple University and Tennessee Technological University. He has held the position
of Stocker Visiting Professor (an endowed chair) at Ohio University. He has held faculty status
at all of the before mentioned named universities.

He has secured funding for the establishment of two centers of research, one in power and
energy at Tennessee Technological University and another in sensor systems at Cleveland
State University. He has been the director of three additional research centers at Temple and at
Ohio University. He has obtained research funding of approximately $100 million (in today’s
dollars). He has served as a consultant to twenty-three private and governmental organizations
including the Air Force and the Navy.
He received the honorary Dr. Eng. from Ohio Northern University (2009), the PhD (1971) and
M.S.E.E. (1967) from Ohio University and the B.S.E.E. (1965) from Ohio Northern
He has authored many publications, including a workbook and a videotape lecture series, and
is coauthor of Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (now in the seventh edition), Engineering
Skills for Career Success, Problem Solving Made ALMOST Easy, the fifth edition of the
Standard Handbook of Electronic Engineering, and Applied Circuit Analysis, all with
McGraw-Hill. He has authored or coauthored 30 books counting separate editions and foreign
translations and he has made more than 500 paper, professional, and technical presentations.
His circuits textbook is ranked number one or number two worldwide recently.
Dr. Alexander is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and served as its international president and CEO
in 1997. In addition, he has held several leadership positions within IEEE during his more than
fifty years of service as a volunteer. This includes serving 1991 to 1999 on the IEEE Board of
He has received several local, regional, national, and international awards for teaching,
research, and service, including an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree, Fellow of the
IEEE, the IEEE-USA Jim Watson Student Professional Awareness Achievement Award, the
IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award, the Distinguished Professor Award, the Distinguished
Engineering Education Achievement Award, the Distinguished Engineering Education
Leadership Award, the IEEE Centennial Medal, and IEEE/RAB Innovation Award.